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eSeptum - Waveguide Filter Design

Design waveguide filter in just minutes. Cost effective manufacturing technique: easier to produce than any other waveguide filter!  ORDER NOW                           customer list

eSeptum lets you input your desired filter results, and then calculates the correct waveguide size, the correct septum thickness and widths. You and also manipulate all the production variation that will affect your design performance, including temperature effects. The Free Trial is locked to waveguide size WR20 but all other features are functional.

  Download Your FREE Trial Copy Now

MxrSpur II - Spurious Analysis Software

Solve Mixer Spurious Problems with ease. MxrSpur II lets you input your Fixed or Locked LO, your swept RF and monitor the IF output for spurs up to 8LO x 8RF directly on a "Spectrum Analyzer" type of display. The program calculates and displays a table of spurious responses up to 10LOx8RF. The Spectrum Analyzer display shows the Desired Output (1LOx1RF) at 0dBc and other spurious responses in dBc from desired. Download the Trial version today (LO frequency is locked on the trial version).     ORDER NOW!                                                                                       customer list

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